Goodbye Malcolm McLay
With a heavy heart, I inform the community that the father of one of our grove members has crossed the veil and now resides with the ancestors.
Malcolm McLay passed away on May 17th, 2014. He shall be sorely missed by his family and friends. May his memory comfort the lives of his family, and his ashes nurture new life in this world.
Kindred hear us, Kindred be with us, Kindred heed our call, Malcolm Creel McLay has passed beyond this world, A World War II veteran, A deputy sheriff, A husband and a father, Let his name be spoken with honor, Let his place with the ancestors be prepared, Let him rejoin his family who passed before him, A gregarious man, A kind man, An honest man, Let the hearth fire be lit, Let the stories of his life be told, Let his memory never fade, He flies free from the bonds of this world, He joins the ranks of our ancestors, His circle is complete